Thursday 30 January 2020

Workshop invitation

Police, Justice, Crime and Punishment

Sergio Vaquero Martínez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Foster Chamberlin (Boğaziçi University) invite #HCNet members to participate in a workshop they are organizing entitled “La administración de orden público en el mundo contemporáneo: policía, justicia, crimen y castigo” (The Administration of Public Order in the Contemporary World: Police, Justice, Crime and Punishment) at the 15th Conference of the Asociación de Historia Contemporánea (Association of Contemporary History) which will take place in Córdoba, Spain on 17-19 September 2020. The conference is entitled “La Historia habitada. Sujetos, procesos y retos de la Historia Contemporánea del siglo XXI" (Inhabited History: Subjects, Processes and Challenges of the Modern History of the 21st Century).

The working language of the session will be Spanish, although communications and interventions performed in the Spanish state’s co-official languages as well as in English, Portuguese, Italian or French are also welcome.

The workshop will be two-and-a-half hours in length. The deadline for proposals is January 31st, see the conference website for more information: If you have any questions about the content of the workshop, please contact the organisers using the links above.  

Slightly grainy black and white photograph of a stone bridge over a river. The still water dominates the image and reflects the arches and piers of the bridge which cuts across the centre of the image. There is a square stone tower centre left near the termination of the bridge and misty hills in the distance beyond the bridge.
'Moriska bron, Cordoba, 1910' Sigurd Curman, Tekniska museet via Flickr


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