
About our members

Membership of the BSC Historical Criminology Network is free and open to all. It is not restricted by discipline, to academics, or to members of the BSC itself. Network members will be invited to our annual meeting and receive regular updates via email regarding events and activities organised by the Network.

Please contact Alexa Neale or Esmorie Miller via the links below to join the Network or submit a short blog post. 

The day-to-day running of the Network is led by a Steering Group, members of which are listed below. Please click on the links to members' websites and/or institutional profiles for more about their research interests, publications and activities, including their contact details.

Zoe Alker Profile.
Victorian; nineteenth century; digital methods; violent crime; young offenders.

Iain Channing Profile; Twitter.
Political extremism, public protest, public order policing, police history.

David Churchill  Profile; Twitter.
Nineteenth century; crime control; policing; security; cities.

Barry Godfrey Profile; Website.  
Longitudinal data; crime history; convicts; prisons; biographical research.

Louise Jackson Profile.
Crime and policing; children and young people; women and gender. 

Helen Johnston Profile; Twitter.
Prisons (local and convict), prison licensing, crime heritage. 

Esmorie Miller (Network Chair) Profile; Twitter
Contemporary youth justice; race, racism and racialization; histories of exclusion.

Alexa Neale Profile
Crime scene photography; mercy; historical true crime and forensic cultures.

Lizzie Seal (Network Secretary) Profile; Twitter.
Capital punishment; murder; gender; race; cultural history/criminology.

Heather Shore Profile.
Criminal justice history; juvenile justice; victims of crime; Borstal.

Kate West Profile
Visual criminology; art history; material culture; gender; empire.

Henry Yeomans Profile; Twitter.
Alcohol; drugs; abstinence; taxation; regulation.

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